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Managed IT vs Traditional IT: What’s The Difference?

Delivering information technology in support of organizational goals and objectives is not a new challenge. However, today’s digital workplace has evolved providing vastly more robust capabilities through cloud computing, software as a service, and similar constructs. Given this, new challenges are realized in enabling organizations to exploit these advances while also protecting against new and advanced cyber threats.

There are two approaches to IT: Managed IT and Traditional IT. While both aim to support a company’s technological needs, they differ in their structure, strategy, and impact on a business.

Read on for more information about the distinctions between Managed IT vs Traditional IT so you can make informed decisions about your business.

>What Is Traditional IT?

Traditional IT has historically been the predominant model for organizational Information technology needs. This model typically involves employees whose function is to provide IT support and governance, while also establishing strategic IT roadmaps.

Traditional IT tends to be more reactive when it comes to fixing problems as they arise rather than anticipating and preventing them.

  • Reactive Support: Traditional IT teams will respond to problems after they’ve impacted the system. While they review what went wrong, your business could experience downtime and productivity issues.
  • In-House Expertise: While organizational IT teams have knowledge and expertise, it is difficult if not impossible to hire, cultivate, and sustain the talent. They won’t be as diverse as a Managed IT team because they simply cannot hire the staff to cover each facet of the IT industry. Companies also mistakenly believe that because their IT team is internal, that they work with the same values as the company. This is not always true. Relationships and business ethics are based on trust and accountability–not just being hired as an employee.
  • Costly: Because Managed IT is a monthly fee, it is a budgetable operational expense. Traditional IT requires hiring employees which comes with other expenses and challenges not related to IT. This is especially important for organizations in growth phases where today’s IT needs may be different in a short period of time throughout various growth cycles.

Limited Scalability: It’s difficult to constantly change Traditional IT and scale it up or down. That would require the constant replacement or training of employees and/or constant sale/purchase of the newest hardware needed for business. It’s difficult to grow a company that is constantly fluctuating.

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What Is Managed IT?

Managed IT services are a proactive approach to IT management where an outside company—like Wolff Logics—oversees and takes responsibility for your business’ IT infrastructure. This approach continuously monitors and maintains systems to prevent issues before they arise.

The features include:

  • Proactive Support: Converse to Traditional IT’s reactive approach, Managed IT focuses on preventing problems before they arise. This is because of continuous monitoring and regular maintenance which ensures that IT systems remain operational, up to date, and efficient.
  • Strategic Planning: Managed IT providers work with their clients to understand their unique needs. For example, a doctor’s office will have different needs than an accounting firm. Both need protection from outside threats but in different ways. At Wolff Logics we align with your company’s business goals to help you adapt to the newest technological advances.
  • Scalability: Managed IT services are designed to be customizable. This allows businesses to scale up or down based on their needs. Growing your company? Not a problem, Wolff Logics can adapt. Looking to downsize? We’ve got you covered.
  • Flexibility: Managed IT services are flexible and can be customized based on what type of business you’re in. For example, a construction company won’t need the same services that a doctor’s office will need. Each industry is unique.
  • Adaptability: Cyber threats are extremely adept at infiltrating even the newest technological advancements. Cyber security must scale and adjust accordingly to cover all new threats.
  • Cost Efficiency: For companies that opt for Managed IT, their expenses are much more predictable. There won’t be any sudden expenses like with Traditional IT or loss of finances due to business downtime or repairs.

Expertise and Resources: Managed IT providers have a diverse team with different skill sets. This is beneficial because no two IT problems are exactly the same. When one area needs a particular set of knowledge, a Managed IT provider can quickly assess who is best to manage the job.

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Managed IT vs Traditional IT: Making the Right Choice

When you’re deciding between Managed IT and Traditional IT, you should consider your specific business needs, goals, and resources. Managed IT is best for organizations that are seeking a proactive approach and think that a monthly fee is worth the headache of unexpected expenses should an issue arise.

Managed IT is also ideal for businesses that don’t have the revenue to maintain an in-house IT team.

Traditional IT might be preferable for companies with specialized needs that require direct, on-site control over their infrastructure. Larger businesses with a lot of resources and revenue may find this option more suitable to their business needs.

Wolff Logics Is Here For Your Business Needs

The choice between Managed IT and Traditional IT is a strategic business decision that can impact your efficiency, scalability, and ultimately, your bottom line. Understanding the difference between these two options helps companies make informed decisions about their IT needs and helps them adapt to the latest technology.

Some businesses may start out with a reactive approach and realize that they need a proactive approach. Other companies may opt for a Managed IT company that also has other comprehensive services like Cyber Security and HIPAA Compliance (for those in the healthcare industry).

Technology is an invaluable tool that makes businesses easier to manage but you can’t just install the latest features and throw caution to the wind. Updated technology comes with many cyber risks. That’s why you need trusted advisors like Wolff Logics to manage your IT.

Whatever your business IT needs are, we will tailor our services to you. Give us a call today so that your online assets are protected.

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